
Construction and Turnaround management department Director

The vacancy is closed!
Type Contract
Country Kazakhstan
Work Method 5-day work week (40 hours)
Contact Dana Azidollayeva
E-mail recruit@bolashak.com
Job Description
Job Requirements
Terms and Conditions
The Director of the Department shall have the following job responsibilities: -coordination of work on interaction of the Department with other structural subdivisions of the Partnership; -coordination of information flows related to the Partnership's structural subdivisions or the processes provided by them; -organizing the development of draft long-term, medium-term, and current capital construction plans, as well as current, medium-term, and major repairs during the operation of facilities; -compilation of title lists for all capital construction projects, as well as repairs of facilities in operation; -applications for construction materials and equipment; Ensuring targeted and rational use of financial resources for capital investments, repairs and maintenance of facilities in operation, increasing their efficiency by prioritizing funds for repairs, technical re-equipment, modernization and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, reducing the volume of construction in progress.
Higher professional (technical) education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty in engineering and/or managerial positions in construction and design
Aktau 5/2 for KZ passport holders

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